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Primo Tire


Phone (940) 665-7191
Address 2002 U.S. 82,
Gainesville, TX 76240 United States


We have been the leading tire shop in Gainesville, TX for well over 25 years! We sell new tires and used tires of all major brands Including RV Tires, Motorhome Tires, Truck Tires, Semi Tires, Farm Tires, Tractor Tires, Forklift Tires, and Industrial Equipment Tires. All we do is tires, we do them right and at blazing speed because your time is valuable! All Tire shop services are available including tire installations, tire repairs, tire rotations, and tire balancing. We have 8 dedicated bays for cars, suv's and pickups, as well as drive thru convenience for semis, motorhomes, and large trailers . Unbeatable pricing with unmatched service and convenience sets us apart from the pack. You always get the right tires at the right price.

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