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Autocare Pro's


Phone (979) 300-8722
Address 120 Texas 332, STE B4,
Lake Jackson, TX 77566 United States


In Lake Jackson, TX and its surrounding areas of Clute, Freeport, and Surfside Beach, vehicle owners can find unparalleled services at Autocare Pro's – the place for all your auto repair shop services needs. We stand out by offering an all-encompassing range of auto repair services list that accommodates everything from meticulous engine work to precise electrical troubleshooting for various models of foreign and domestic cars. Our commitment to excellence ensures every customer leaves satisfied with their complete auto repair services experience in Lake Jackson. Each technician at Autocare Pro's brings expertise and a keen eye for detail to diagnose and resolve automotive issues efficiently while maintaining open communication with clients about the progress of their vehicle's care. When searching for dependable auto repair and services in Lake Jackson, remember that Autocare Pro’s is committed to providing exceptional service while caring for your car like it’s one of our own.

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