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114 Auto Salvage


Phone (978) 396-2448
Address 297 N Main St, Middleton, Massachusetts, 01949, United States,
Middleton, MA 01949 United States


Welcome to 114 Auto Salvage, the place to sell your old junk car. GET UP TO $1,000 CASH FOR YOUR JUNK CAR. instantly. - AGGRESSIVE PRICING. - SAME DAY PICKUP. - ANY YEAR, MAKE, MODEL OR CONDITION. - FREE REMOVAL. - LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED. - FULLY LICENSED & INSURED. - ALMOST 400 5-STAR REVIEWS. - ALWAYS CASH PAYMENTS. - SPURRIER CUSTOMER SERVICE. - FREE NO OBLIGATION PHONE QUOTE IN UNDER 5 MIN. Please call us with any question regarding cash for junk cars, cash for cars, and anything automotive related. Walk in are welcome but we also pick up and deliver. Lets talk!

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